| 1. | However , individual wealth management new business volumes declined 29 per cent due to continuing unattractive equity markets and low interest rates 个人理财新业务的销售则下跌百分之二十九,主要由于股市缺乏吸引力,以及息率低企所致。 |
| 2. | By the end of september there were 60 banking institutions in china offering individual wealth management services such as mutual funds , insurance products and offshore investments 截至9月底, 60家银行业金融机构推出了个人理财服务,如共同基金、保险产品和离岸投资产品。 |
| 3. | Individual wealth management new business volumes were down 31 per cent , however , as a result of a significant reduction in surrenders and withdrawals , net sales increased 尽管个人理财管理新增业务销量下跌百分之三十一,但由于退保及撤销保单之情况大幅减少,故销售净额有所增加。 |
| 4. | Sales of individual wealth management products in china shot up in the last quarter of 2007 as banks expanded their product offerings , the banking regulator said yesterday 中国银行业监管机构昨日表示,随着各银行扩大产品种类, 2007年最后一个季度中国个人理财产品销售额大幅飙升。 |
| 5. | The increased earnings resulted from positive contributions from acquisitions in 2001 , increased sales and higher margins on individual wealth management products and expense efficiencies 盈利增加是由于二零零一年收购项目获得进帐个人理财产品销售增加及边际溢利上升,以及有效减省开支所致。 |
| 6. | In wealth management operations , strong mandatory provident fund sales in asia were offset by lower variable annuity and pension sales in the u . s . and individual wealth management and pension products in canada 理财业务方面,亚洲区的强积金销售表现过人,但为美国的变额年金和退休金产品,以及加拿大的个人理财和退休产品滞销所抵销。 |
| 7. | The increased earnings were driven by higher margins on individual wealth management products ; particularly the redesigned and repriced segregated fund product and strong growth in the group benefits inforce block 盈利增加是由于个人理财管理产品的边际溢利上升,特别是独立基金产品重新设计及订价,以及团体保障业务生效保单大幅增长。 |
| 8. | The increased earnings were driven by improved margins in individual insurance and individual wealth management businesses partially offset by less favourable long - term disability claims results in group benefits 盈利增加是因为个人保险及个人理财业务边际溢利上升所致,但由于团体保险之长期伤残理赔表现未如理想,抵销部分的盈利收入。 |
| 9. | Increased earnings for the quarter resulted from expense efficiencies across all business lines , improved margins in individual wealth management and positive contributions from acquisitions completed earlier in the year 第四季度收入上升,主要由于全线业务部有效减省开支个人理财业务边际利润得以改善,以及二零零一年年初完成的收购所带来的收益所致。 |
| 10. | In wealth management operations , the pension businesses in both the u . s . and canada experienced increased sales , while volatile equity markets resulted in offsetting declines in variable annuity sales in the u . s . and in individual wealth management products in canada 理财业务方面,美国及加拿大的退休金业务均有攀升,而由于股市波动,抵销了美国变额年金销售及加拿大个人理财产品的下跌。 |